Art - Using the Building System
So with a bit of an update on the art direction of the enviornment and Elliott's Bluprint to make buildings I managed to get the first pass on the visuals done in a couple of hours! pretty cool. I am running a bit behind on the building tileset but as I have made some large props and I have now blocked out the meshes to be used with the blueprints I'm expecting the next two weeks to be a case of texturing the building tileset and the large props I've made while working on some of the other large props. I'm particularly looking forward to improving upon the wheelie bin I made as my first project at DMU. (nothing has final materials or final meshes on at the moment which is why I'm only showing a lighting pass)
Lighting is going to be really key, the weather I want to achieve is having just cleared up from raining quite hard so its not just grey but it doesn't feel nice, hot and sunny. I'll be working on the lgihting for this on and off for the next couple of weeks.